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You can support AMA in a number of ways such as general operations (scholarships and other activities) or the endowment.

Not sure what amount to donate? Let us give you some examples.

$25 - $50 helps cover the cost for Advocacy Day registration

$125 covers the cost of providing captioning for an hour of professional development

$150 covers the cost of one scholarship to attend AMA’s Annual Meeting.

$750 covers the cost of most professional development scholarships.

AMA also has a number of sponsorship opportunities related to our Annual Meeting.


The purpose Endowment to the Arkansas Museums Association (AMA) and its financial stability and support for its mission.It's purpose:

  1. Long-Term Financial Stability for AMA: The first purpose is to ensure that the Arkansas Museums Association maintains a degree of long-term financial stability. This suggests the establishment of a financial reserve or endowment to help sustain the organization over an extended period, potentially protecting it from financial crises or uncertainties.

  2. Funding for Programming and Educational Resources: The second purpose involves using the funds to support programming and educational resources that align with AMA's mission but fall outside the scope of the annual budget. This means that the organization aims to have additional financial resources to fund special projects, initiatives, or educational efforts that may not be covered by their regular operating budget. However, it explicitly excludes funding for the AMA annual meeting.

  3. Member Development and Enrichment: The third purpose involves providing opportunities for the development and enrichment of AMA's members. This may include scholarships for members to further their education or professional development, training programs, and benefits for AMA staff members. It indicates a commitment to the growth and well-being of both the organization's members and its staff.

Overall, the purposes show a commitment to ensuring the financial sustainability of the Arkansas Museums Association and using available funds to further its mission, support specialized projects, and invest in the development and well-being of its members and staff.

We encourage professional members and friends of AMA to make contributions to our endowment.  The AMA Endowment ensures the future growth of the profession.

AMA has a number of giving circles and are developing more for the future.

AMA 50-year Circle ($50)

JIMI Alum Circle ($60)

A complete copy of the Gift Acceptance Policy is available.

You can make a gift on-line below. Or, if you would like to discuss a gift to support AMA and its activities please email

In the comments field please note if this donation is for the operating fund or the endowment.

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Postal code
Arkansas Museums Association
P. O. Box 3292
Little Rock, Arkansas 72203


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